“In order to deceive the church and compromise our witness in the world, the Devil relies on biblically illiterate Christians who fail to competently and compassionately handle the sword of truth.” -Dr. Sarita Lyons
Dr. Lyons is called the Dean of EquipU. EquipU is an educational and practical life application initiative of Epiphany Fellowship Church aimed at building and equipping believers at every stage of their Christian journey to know God and live for Him (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Through a simplistic yet comprehensively dynamic growth model, EquipU seeks to holistically arm the modern Christian with ancient Biblical truths and the practical tools needed to do the work of ministry, discern truth from error, and be faithful disciples who show off the glory of Christ in every area of life. We like to describe the EquipU experience as seminary meets an HBCU.
*EquipU is only available to covenant community members of Epiphany Fellowship Church.